Although I’ve never been river rafting, I’m extremely fascinated by it. I love listening to stories friends tell about their adventures on the rapids; just looking at photos and watching videos makes my stomach do somersaults. It’s one of those things that scares me...
Hide: 1) to conceal from sight, to prevent from being discovered 2) to conceal oneself Do you even know how many ways there are to hide? Well, I’m not sure what the exact number might be, but I think I have tried nearly every one of them. Hiding shows up in...
I often hear myself say “Personal Growth can be excruciating and exhausting, but I do it anyway because of how good it feels on the other side.” In fact, Life can be hard. Progress can be exhausting. And because it is, there is always joy to look forward...
One thing I have come to know as FACT is that the best way out is always through. Whenever I am faced with something I’d really rather not do–whether it be because of fear, discomfort, laziness, or a plethora of other excuses–the answer to getting it...