Do you remember the story of “The Tortoise and The Hare?” It’s the one where the tortoise challenges the hare to a race to teach him a lesson for calling him slow. It seemed like a foolish thing to do because a rabbit is obviously faster than a...
There is a popular phrase “Haters back off!” or similar, “Bring on the Arrows.” I see it everywhere, and I get it. I totally get it that the idea behind those words are “Don’t let those people who don’t agree with you or who don’t understand you drag you...
Attitude is everything. To paraphrase Sterling W. Sill, one of my favorite authors, “Attitude determines the trajectory of your life.” Think about it. Does your attitude affect your daily decisions? Does the way you feel determine the direction you choose to go? I...
I woke up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed this morning, and honestly, it didn’t take long before a few “little things” led to a full blown bad attitude! It kind of floored me, actually. I went to bed feeling GREAT! However, in a strange sort...