It’s time for me to get a bigger cup… So what do I mean by that? You know, I’m so blessed, and I have such an amazing life–“my cup runneth o’er.” I’ve worked really hard over the last few years to really expand my capacity to...
I recently posted this photo meme on social media with the caption– “YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU’RE BEING!” — to which someone commented, “Understanding HOW to do that and keep surviving is the issue for me…I desperately want to get...
I used to think I felt no fear, until the day I discovered that everything scared me. This was the day that I changed my definition of “fear.” Instead of “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger,” I began to understand fear as...
One thing I have come to know as FACT is that the best way out is always through. Whenever I am faced with something I’d really rather not do–whether it be because of fear, discomfort, laziness, or a plethora of other excuses–the answer to getting it...