When I first began to understand that—if I wanted to experience true growth in my life—I needed to change the concept I had of myself, it seemed so far away and so difficult. I also thought that once I got there, I would never have to worry about being afraid or...
Yes. Perfectionism. Something I thought I understood enough to stay away from. Something I knew I had the potential to get caught up in if I wasn’t careful… Careful… that’s the key word. Be careful not to attempt anything that you can’t...
I often hear myself say “Personal Growth can be excruciating and exhausting, but I do it anyway because of how good it feels on the other side.” In fact, Life can be hard. Progress can be exhausting. And because it is, there is always joy to look forward...
“What is my purpose right now?” I remember the day I received the answer to this question. It came after a process that occurred over several months. As part of my morning study, I had been listening to A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron...