The message I’d like to share today comes from an Uber driver named Joseph whom I met while visiting Chicago a while back. Joseph is from the Philippines, an island called Cebu. He was telling me how beautiful the Filipino people are–and I can vouch for him...
I notice I am most happy when I am: present & engaged in my life, physically active in various ways, allowing myself to have play and have fun, nurturing important relationships (including with myself), & consistently progressing toward my next step. When I...
Although I’ve never been river rafting, I’m extremely fascinated by it. I love listening to stories friends tell about their adventures on the rapids; just looking at photos and watching videos makes my stomach do somersaults. It’s one of those things that scares me...
I am quite in AWE about the transformative power of ACTION! It’s one of those things I thought I knew. My parents taught me to work hard–hard work is part of my nature. It is also what helped me be successful in my young life. Sometimes...
I often hear myself say “Personal Growth can be excruciating and exhausting, but I do it anyway because of how good it feels on the other side.” In fact, Life can be hard. Progress can be exhausting. And because it is, there is always joy to look forward...