I always thought I knew who I was. I’m a Daughter of God, a God in embryo, which means I have inherited divine qualities that I am striving to develop as I learn and progress in this life. To put it simply, and quite literally as I believe it, I have spiritual DNA of a Heavenly Father and Mother, and just as the genetic code of my physical body expresses characteristics handed down to me from my parents, I have Godly characteristics. Isn’t that an inspiring thought?!  Very empowering, right?
Well, not completely.
beauty of youI mean, in a lot of ways, yes! Knowing that I am a Daughter of God has had a huge impact on my life. It has guided many of the choices I have made throughout my life that have led me to where I am today.  I’ve said before that I am quite confident in my spirit and intellect, but in my body, I feel clumsy. Knowing where my spirit comes from has given me the hope that someday I will be able to have full confidence in who I am, someday I will feel powerful, someday I will completely happy with who I am… but what about today? Cuz sometimes my spirit and my body don’t really get along…
One of the most powerful things I have learned in my personal growth journey is that before I can truly feel comfortable in my own skin and experience the joy and confidence that I used to think was meant for someday, I need to understand who I am as a physical and emotional being. I am so grateful that I was introduced to the concept of Core Values and Temperament both in my educational pursuits and in my private mentoring with Dr. Denim L. Slade, PhD.  He explained to me that each individual comes with a specific set of driving characteristics and motivators and that these don’t change, and then he used his understanding and expertise, along with an assessment tool, to explain to me what he believed my temperament to be.  At first I fought it–parts of me felt ashamed that such traits could be who I really am because I felt them as weakness. But then I began to see that maybe what he was telling me about myself was true. I’m discovering the fullness of ME, and now that I finally embrace it, I feel free! I could see that all the pieces of me that I saw as weaknesses were just misinterpreted strengths.
Now that I understand who I am and what drives me from the very core, I am better able to understand how I have been misrepresenting myself and why I have felt so clumsy. I am now better able to live my life according to the truest version of me–and it feels so much better. Of course I’m not perfect at it. I’m still learning and still changing, but aren’t we all? We are progressive beings–that is what life is all about!
I have become very passionate about the importance of knowing who we are as eternal beings and that who we are as individuals–who I AM–is beautiful! The characteristics of me that I used to see as weaknesses I now understand to be misinterpreted strengths. The journey to turn my weaknesses into strengths has been an exciting one, and it will continue to be as I don’t believe I will ever be “done.” At least not in this life.
Life is about progression. I think that is beautifully exciting!

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