I’ve always been grateful. Or at least I thought I was grateful. It was a passive gratitude—grateful for what I thought was good in my life and accepting the rest as “meant to be.” In her research, Brené Brown (author of The Gift of Imperfection) discovered that...
Casey is a nurse-turned-network marketer, and has fallen in love with the industry. Through this share to share industry, she was introduced to the power of positive and intentional thinking. She was living in New York with her husband in a tiny apartment that had no...
I am quite in AWE about the transformative power of ACTION! It’s one of those things I thought I knew. My parents taught me to work hard–hard work is part of my nature. It is also what helped me be successful in my young life. Sometimes...
Yes. Perfectionism. Something I thought I understood enough to stay away from. Something I knew I had the potential to get caught up in if I wasn’t careful… Careful… that’s the key word. Be careful not to attempt anything that you can’t...
I often hear myself say “Personal Growth can be excruciating and exhausting, but I do it anyway because of how good it feels on the other side.” In fact, Life can be hard. Progress can be exhausting. And because it is, there is always joy to look forward...