A few weeks ago, I held my first mini-mobile VOICE Retreat, and it was a lovely success. It was a wonder-filled weekend with lovely ladies–finding alllll the fountains–especially the ones within ourselves. I will be doing more mini-mobile VOICE Retreats...
I’ll never forget the way it felt To stand on that stage, facing fears I didn’t know I had. I was scared out of my mind … …And into my heart I felt my VOICE for first time in a long time, pleading to be heard. DOING IT wasn’t near as scary as thinking about...
https://carymacarthur.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Sharing-what’s-going-on-inside-of-you-will-set-you-free.mp4 Talk about your fears, your struggles, your sorrows; give voice to your thoughts, ideas, and dreams. Find & Speak your VOICE! ARE YOU READY to CONNECT...
I have a message and I feel compelled to share it, because my story is not my own. All of us experience challenges. Some of our challenges are visible: disability, disorder, disease, poverty, abuse, addiction… My heart goes out to people who suffer with such...
Hide: 1) to conceal from sight, to prevent from being discovered 2) to conceal oneself Do you even know how many ways there are to hide? Well, I’m not sure what the exact number might be, but I think I have tried nearly every one of them. Hiding shows up in...